How You Can Help Make a Good Mediumship Session

You, the client, play an important role in helping to make a reading go well. You can make things go more smoothly at your reading by following the rules below.

Before the Reading:

1. If there is one person in particular that you would like to connect with, invite him or her to be at the session in advance. Think loving thoughts about that person, go over some happy memories that include that person, and then say, “I am going to be at (location), on (date) with (medium). Please join us.” Do this several times in the days leading up to the reading. Please understand that a medium cannot guarantee that the person you want to connect with will show up. Inviting people, in my experience, is helpful, but again, there are no guarantees.

2. If you can, look at a variety of photos of the person you want to contact before you have your reading. In my experience, souls present themselves either as they looked when they passed, or, more often than not, how they looked in their best years. So if you can get a sense of how they looked in their 20s or early 30s, it could help you identify the person more quickly. If I say to you, “She comes forward as about 30 years old, brunette, hair cut short, beautiful complexion, olive skin, hazel eyes, about 5 foot 7, slim,” and you are thinking of a women as she was when she passed at 72, you will find identification very challenging.

3. Look over your family tree before the reading! You never know if a distant aunt or two will show up.

4. Sometimes two people will show up together from the other side, and so a little imagination is necessary. For example, if you get messages from a grandmother, but the messages communicate qualities of two grandmothers, both may be present. Just be aware that this can happen, and letting the medium know that you think this is occurring can be very helpful.


1. Do not come to a medium if you have been drinking or using drugs.

2. Do not come to a medium if you have just had an argument or been in a fight.

During the Reading

1. Turn off your cell phone.

2. Try to be patient – it may take a few minutes for the medium to find the energetic frequency of the person you wish to contact.

3. Do not say very much. “Yes,” “No,” and “Maybe” are all good responses. Sometimes it’s helpful to tell the medium a word or two more. (“I don’t think you’re on the right track” or “Yes! That makes perfect sense to me” are both useful to save time.) It’s the medium’s job to give you the messages.

4. Remember to make notes of the things that don’t make sense to you, or that you don’t know. Often a relative will be able to shed light on those points for you later – and that’s when you know mediumship has occurred. You didn’t know that information, the medium didn’t know, but the soul on the other side did.

5. Please keep in mind that it is not always possible to make contact with the person you hope to get in touch with. This sometimes happens and it represents one of the greatest challenges the work presents: we can never know if that one person will come through until the reading actually takes place. It’s important to remember that we are inviting a person to come through. The invitation has to be accepted. In my experience, it usually is.
